What to Tell Social Media Followers About Market Shift

What to Tell Social Media Followers About Market Shift

You’ll be more likely to stand out from your competitors with a positive message on social media, according to a Forbes.com column written by Ralph DiBugnara, president of Home Qualified, a digital resource for real estate. Practitioners have access to more social media tools than ever before as the market shifts during the coronavirus pandemic, and “how we advance our own personal businesses and brands, once this is over, will depend on the quality of what we invest in it with our message,” DiBugnara writes.

He points to several effective messages that could resonate with customers on social media, particularly if you can draw from your past experience as an agent who overcame a slowdown during the Great Recession. “Brand yourself by sharing that and how your recovery created income or growth in certain ways,” he notes. “Tell stories of success and growth.”

Spreading negative information, on the other hand, will push others away from your content, he notes.

He also urges real estate professionals to use social media to educate consumers on the market. Set up a news app to feed you information about what is happening in the market, and then report it back on social media using your own words. “Do not cause panic, but focus on the positive possibilities you are seeing—investment or growth opportunities that are coming,” he says.

Focus on your best platform for generating engagement, whether that is Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Then, be present, posting at least three times a week, DiBugnara says. He encourages real estate pros to set up systems so that when the economy starts to reopen and business picks up, you can maintain that system of being present and engaged on social media.

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