How much do you know about architectural styles and features, along with their history?
You know what makes for great curb appeal— healthy landscaping, pops of color, well-executed carpentry, and an excellent paint job in neutral colors. But how much do you know about architectural styles and features, along with their history? Having a sound background in residential architecture—like what makes one Queen Anne home more authentic than another or how Doric columns belong on a Neoclassical home while Corinthian columns are historically suited for a Greek Revival—could help you snag pricier listings and give buyers insights into homes they’re viewing.
1. What features are most prominent in a Queen Anne house?
A. Steep roof with cross gables
B. Symmetrical front facade
C. Multicolored palettes
Answer: A and C. The Queen Anne style, popular after the Civil War, often features wooden “gingerbread” trim and elaborate paint jobs.
Source: REALTOR® Magazine’s Guide to Home Architectural Styles
2. What are some interesting facts about the bungalow-style house?
A. It originated in the Northeast region after World War II for returning veterans.
B. Several companies sold bungalow kits through mail-order catalogs.
C. Dormer bungalows offered the appeal of stable temperatures throughout the different yearly seasons.
Answer: B. Bungalows originated in California during the 1880s and moved eastward to the Midwest, where they remained popular until the Great Depression.
Source: REALTOR® Magazine’s Guide to Home Architectural Styles
3. What is a key feature of a Doric column?
A. A tapered shaft
B. 24 flutes in the shaft
C. A column with a base or pedestal at the bottom
Answer: A. A column is made up of a shaft, base at the bottom, and capital at the top. Doric columns are characterized by a slight tapering and 20 flutes, or grooves, running the length of the shaft.
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
4. What are the main characteristics that give a Frank Lloyd Wright–style home its iconic look?
A. Long and flat profile with strong horizontal lines
B. Covered porches
C. Small interior rooms, each unique to give it character
Answer: A. Wright developed his Prairie-style homes to unite “man, nature, and architecture.”
Source: Chicago Architecture Foundation
5. What window style is popular today for the privacy it offers homeowners?
A. 12-by-12-inch frame
B. Glass block
C. Windows with grids
Answer: B. Used most often in lower levels and bathrooms, glass block windows are often seen in midcentury modern homes.
Source: Chicago Architecture Foundation
How Did You Do?
Five correct answers. Keep it up, and you’ll be the go-to agent in your area for architecture-loving buyers.
Three or four. You’re off to a good start. If you’re stumped by a buyer question, visit REALTOR® Magazine’s Guide to Home Architectural Styles for descriptions of more than 30 home styles and structural elements.
Fewer than three. REALTOR® Magazine’s Guide to Home Architectural Styles will have you naming dormer and roof styles in no time.

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