Tag: News

Tech Tools Becoming Obsolete

Still holding onto some of these oldies? It may be time to let go. Technology has an expiration date. New tech quickly pushes out favorite devices from years past. Here are some tech devices you may be able to retire. If you find out-of-date gadgets in your desk drawers, consider recycling them. Not sure how? …

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Home Electrification

From vehicles to lawn tools, electric features are here to stay and growing in popularity, which means homes need to be equipped to handle the demand. Key takeaways: According to Sense, an energy monitoring company, household energy consumption rose(link is external) at the onset of the pandemic and will likely continue to increase. Several factors …

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Best Times for Social Posting

Time your posts perfectly for higher engagement. Maximize your customer outreach by posting on social media during optimal times. Hootsuite, a platform for managing multiple social channels, researched more than 30,000 social posts to determine whether certain days and times tended to get higher engagement than others. Here’s what the study found: Your audience may …

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Emerging Technologies to Watch

These advances could shake up the real estate market. High-speed connections, virtual realities and transactions, and smarter data are among the hot technology trends to watch now and in the near future. Dan Weisman and Dave Conroy, directors of emerging technology for the National Association of REALTORS®, provide a snapshot of the tech to watch. …

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Is the Virtual Reality Property Worth the Cost?

Virtual real estate is the market’s new frontier thanks to the metaverse, so agents and brokers need to know what it means for the industry and how it works. Nowadays, it seems as if there’s virtual everything. Virtual artwork, virtual events, virtual marketing. But what about virtual real estate? Is that a thing, and if …

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5 Signs Your Device Is Infected With a Virus

You can fix some issues by rebooting. But others will require professional help. Know when you can resolve tech problems yourself. Numerous cyber threats lurk on the internet, but perhaps nothing is more dangerous to your business than having your computer or smartphone infected with a virus. Don’t ignore the signs: Your computer or phone …

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How Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Are Influencing the Real Estate Market

Despite its slow adoption in real estate, digital currency has the power to improve accessibility to homeownership and shorten the home-buying process. Key takeaways: Kristin Smith, a real estate agent at Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate in Dallas, has been investing in cryptocurrency since 2017. Not long before she started investing, she had an experience that …

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Why Invest in 360-Degree Tours and How to Get Started

360-degree tours give listings an extra edge and weed out the window shoppers from serious buyers. So now the question is, do you hire a professional or create your own? I was an early adopter of 360-degree tours for listings in 2014 because I saw both the value in distinguishing myself from the competition and …

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Technology REALTORS® Use the Most

Real estate pros are connected to multiple tech platforms on a daily basis. Get insights on the most popular ones from NAR’s 2022 Member Profile. REALTORS® use multiple technology platforms daily to promote their business and stay connected to clients. While smartphones and email are key tools that facilitate most of those connections, 53% of REALTORS® also …

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Vulnerability to a Cyberattack Could Land You in Court

A data breach also may cost you money and ruin your reputation. An NAR attorney helps you build a strong data security plan in the latest “Window to the Law.” You’re putting your livelihood at risk if you’re “asleep at the wheel” when it comes to creating a data security plan, especially as the real …

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Remote Online Notarization Is One Step Closer

Passage by the House sets the stage for a Senate vote on NAR efforts to bring more real estate transactions into the digital age. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday evening to expand the availability of remote online notarization (RON) nationwide, a key advocacy priority for the National Association of REALTORS®. The …

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Know When That Phone Call Is a Real Estate Scam

Bad actors are taking advantage of surging demand for remodeling projects and home warranties to dupe consumers. Share these warning signs with your clients. Housing-related phone scams surged by more than 300% in May, according to telecommunications technology provider First Orion’s 2022 Mid-Year Phone Scam Report(link is external). Scammers increasingly are trying to dupe consumers …

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