Your phone marketing strategy could land you in legal trouble. As a real estate professional, you’re constantly looking to grow your business. While picking up the phone to call potential clients and solicit new business may seem outdated in today’s digitized world, the reality is that the telephone still plays an important role in marketing. …
Tag: News
Dec 27
Are You Using Tenant Screening Tools Legally?
Property managers must abide by strict rules when using common reports to determine the eligibility of prospective renters. Make sure you know what you can and can’t do with the information. When a rental application is under consideration, most property managers and landlords require a prospective tenant’s credit report, credit score, and, usually, a background …
Dec 22
Complete Your Closings Online
New laws make remote electronic notarization secure and accessible. From home searches to purchase contracts and loan applications, many aspects of a modern real estate transaction are now conducted electronically and online. But until recently, the actual closing has remained a stubbornly paper process in an increasingly digital world. Over the past several years, with …
Dec 21
Buying With Friends: A Legally Complicated Transaction
What you should know about working with clients who choose this unusual avenue to homeownership. A small but growing share of home buyers is forging an alternative path to homeownership that is ripe for potential legal consequences: purchasing a property with friends. With affordability near an all-time low, it’s easy to see why some consumers, …
Dec 20
Appraisals Among Most Misunderstood Legal Issues
2019 law and ethics in review: What you, our readers, buzzed about the most this year. Perhaps the most important aspect of your business is learning how to protect yourself legally in the event a transaction or client relationship goes awry. Articles about misunderstandings regarding your freedom to communicate with appraisers, how to handle a …
Dec 19
The Code Toughens Its Words
An implicit antidiscrimination ban is now spelled out by a new standard of practice in the Code of Ethics. As REALTORS®, we pledge to live by the Code of Ethics outlined by the National Association of REALTORS®. NAR commemorated the 50-year anniversary of the Fair Housing Act in 2018, and fair housing has been enshrined …
Dec 18
Avoid Cyber Liability
Failure to warn clients about wire fraud scams could mean financial loss for your clients—and legal trouble for you. Benjamin and Joyce Fox were eager to move to a home near family and settle into retirement. In 2017, after a three-month house hunt, they found a three-bedroom townhouse in Lafayette, N.J. The townhouse was a …
Dec 18
Money Issues After a Failed Sale
Know how escrow funds are handled if a deal falls through. In an ideal world, every transaction closes without a hitch. However, it’s important to prepare for those times when the sale does not close. In those cases, we are left with the question of how to deal with funds held in escrow. Closing procedures …
Dec 15
Tenant Rights
COVID-19 raises legal concerns related to evictions and fair housing. COVID-19 has altered the rulebook for property managers and investment property owners for the foreseeable future. Balancing the pressures faced by tenants struggling to pay rent due to job loss with your need to keep up with expenses and safety measures presents distinct challenges. Two …
Dec 14
Commit to Addressing Racial Injustice
Five measures brokerages are taking that you can adopt to fight discrimination and foster inclusion. Since the killing of George Floyd in May, the topic of systemic racism has galvanized the nation’s attention. Many real estate professionals are becoming part of the movement for change. Here are five measures brokerages are taking that you can …
Dec 13
Tips Before You Add COVID-19 Legalese
Minimizing the chance of liability claims against your brokerage and your clients starts with clear communication about those risks. During the pandemic, of course you want to serve your clients to the best of your ability while being attuned to health and other risks. Minimizing the chance of liability claims against your brokerage and your …