Housing Starts Post New Gains, Signs of Healing. Builders broke ground on more homes last month as housing starts jumped 2.6 percent nationwide in April over March, the Commerce Department reported this week. The single-family sector saw a 3 percent increase in housing starts in April, while multifamily construction projects saw a 3.2 percent rise. …
Tag: News
May 18
Foreclosures Plummet to 5-Year Lows
Foreclosures Plummet to 5-Year Lows. For the third consecutive month, foreclosure filings dropped, sinking to their lowest level since July 2007, according to RealtyTrac’s April report on nationwide foreclosure activity. Foreclosure activity, which includes default notices, scheduled auctions, and bank repossessions, fell 5 percent from March to April and were down 14 percent year-over-year. “More …
May 17
Builders Get More Confident About Improving Market
Builders Get More Confident About Improving Market. “Firming home values, improving employment, and low mortgage rates” are driving greater optimism over a recovery taking shape in the new-home market, says David Crowe, chief economist for the National Association of Home Builders. Builder confidence for the market of newly built single-family homes rose five points this …
May 16
Lenders Put Borrowers Through More Scrutiny
Lenders Put Borrowers Through More Scrutiny. Home buyers and refinancers applying for a mortgage are being caught off guard in what all lenders are asking for when approving a loan. The Wall Street Journal reports an incident where a borrower was even asked for a copy of her divorce decree — from two years ago …
May 15
Make Sure Selling Incentives Don’t Break the Rules
Make Sure Selling Incentives Don’t Break the Rules. Some housing deals are coming with sweet incentives for the real estate agents who can bring in a buyer, everything from big bonuses to fancy cars. But if you’re not careful, you might get in trouble for steering, some real estate professionals warn. A home seller in …
May 14
Housing: The one bailout America could really use
Housing: The one bailout America could really use. MONEY magazine) — Laurie Goodman is an apolitical number cruncher who has spent most of her 28-year career out of the public view, studying the minutiae of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) for big investment banks. She’s long been a star among Wall Street insiders, however. She holds the …
May 11
Attract Buyers With A Master Bedroom Suite
Attract Buyers With A Master Bedroom Suite. Kitchens and bedrooms are both very important rooms in a home. It’s in these two rooms where our basic needs are satisfied but they are also areas of a home that attract buyers for more than just what’s done in these rooms: eating and sleeping. The master bedroom …
May 10
Home Prices to Rise 4% Per Year?
Home Prices to Rise 4% Per Year? Average U.S. home prices — down by a third since 2006 and still falling — will rise almost 4% a year for the next five years, according to a new forecast. Market watcher Fiserv sees prices stabilizing by summer’s end and then climbing, quickly in some places until …
May 09
The Benefits of Home Ownership!
The Benefits of Home Ownership! We all know the social benefits of home ownership. Home ownership gives family stability, creates lower high school dropout rates, and of course gives the opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships. In addition to these great pluses, home ownership can be your largest financial asset. First, you’ll have access …
May 08
What does “appraisal” really mean?
What does “appraisal” really mean and how will it affect your ability to make a deal? It’s a term homeowners and sellers hear all the time. What does “appraisal” really mean and how will it affect your ability to make a deal? As the market dips and continues to struggle across the nation, many sellers …
May 07
What Foreclosure Wave? False Alarm?
What Foreclosure Wave? False Alarm? Many housing experts for months have been warning a foreclosure wave would soon flood several markets throughout the country. But was it all a false alarm? Recent surveys have shown that foreclosure sales have dropped to their lowest point in more than two years. And while according to March data, …
May 04
30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Continues to Slide
30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Continues to Slide. Mortgage rates for 30-year fixed mortgages fell this week, with the current rate borrowers were quoted on Zillow Mortgage Marketplace at 3.69 percent, down from 3.72 percent at this same time last week. After rising to 3.77 percent on Wednesday, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate hovered between 3.7 …