Tag: News

Stage a Baby Boomer Home the Millennial Way

Stage a Baby Boomer Home the Millennial Way

Stage a Baby Boomer Home the Millennial Way     Like every generation, millennials’ needs and tastes differ from their parents’ generation, as plenty of surveys have attested to. But as millennials become home owners, how can your baby boomer home sellers amp up their homes’ appeal to this younger generation’s tastes? David Charron, president …

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Problems Sellers May Try to Hide

Problems Sellers May Try to Hide

Problems Sellers May Try to Hide     Home sellers sign a disclosure document that they’re being upfront about any problems with the home. “However, it can be very tempting for some to tell white lies or conveniently forgets facts,” says Wendy Flynn, owner of Wendy Flynn Realty in College Station, Texas. “In fact, a …

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First-Time Buyers Love These Home Features

First-Time Buyers Love These Home Features

First-Time Buyers Love These Home Features     Mid-Atlantic real estate professionals are bullish on the housing market this spring, particularly due to the growing number of first-time home buyers entering the market. In its 2016 Mid-Atlantic Housing Market Survey, MRIS – one of the nation’s largest multiple listing services – found that 57 percent …

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Jump-Start Your Client Base This Spring

Jump-Start Your Client Base This Spring

Jump-Start Your Client Base This Spring   Are you on the hunt for more clients this spring? An article at RISMedia recently highlighted several ways real estate professionals can stay competitive during this season: Find a way to engage with your community. Look for an event to sponsor in your area, such as a local …

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College Debt Delays Home Ownership

College Debt Delays Home Ownership

College Debt Delays Home Ownership     Student loan debt can negatively affect the ability and willingness of people to buy a home in the years after they leave college, according to new research by Federal Reserve Board economists. For every 10 percent increase in student debt among people in the five years after they …

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Fireplaces Spark Interest in Buyers

Fireplaces Spark Interest in Buyers

Fireplaces Spark Interest in Buyers     Fireplaces are eye-catchers across all levels of homes, and savvy selling agents know that buyers will linger over a photo of one in a listing. With HVAC and smart-home technology controlling the environment, fireplaces have become purely a pleasure item, to the point where you can just watch …

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How Much Space Buyers Really Crave

How Much Space Buyers Really Crave

How Much Space Buyers Really Crave For the majority of home buyers, they want a home with about 9 percent more space than they currently have. A new study translates that to a median of 2,020 square feet. But the amount of desired square footage can vary quite a bit among the different age groups, …

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Help City Dwellers Adjust to Life in the ‘Burbs

Help City Dwellers Adjust to Life in the ‘Burbs

Help City Dwellers Adjust to Life in the ‘Burbs City dwellers confronted with the lack of space and high costs of city-living are making the move to the suburbs. But it can be an adjustment. To make the transition easier, some real estate firms are offering seminars and suburb specialists to help buyers make the …

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Among Younger Clients, E-mail May Be Dying

Among Younger Clients, E-mail May Be Dying

Among Younger Clients, E-mail May Be Dying “E-mail is dying among mobile’s youngest users,” reads a headline from TechCrunch.com. Messaging apps may be the future mode of communication. A new study shows that e-mail is lessening its dominance as messaging apps gain more steam among young users. For your future clients, you may need to …

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Pros and Cons of 6 Common Roof Types

Pros and Cons of 6 Common Roof Types

Pros and Cons of 6 Common Roof Types   Are you familiar with the most common roof types? Century 21’s blog recently reviewed the pros and cons of these popular options: 1. Asphalt shingle—The most common roofing material Pros: Available in a wide assortment of colors; affordable; simple to install Cons: Shorter life spans; often …

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Home Fixes Not Worth It at Resale

Home Fixes Not Worth It at Resale

Home Fixes Not Worth It at Resale   Bathroom remodels and additions may offer some of the fewest paybacks at resale, at least when compared to 20 other popular projects. The National Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of the Remodeling Industry released a report showing some of the home renovation projects that offer …

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Twitter Opts to Keep 140-Character Limit

Twitter Opts to Keep 140-Character Limit

Twitter Opts to Keep 140-Character Limit     The social networking giant has sided with its Twitter loyalists. It will keep Twitter’s 140-character limit in place. About two months ago, some of Twitter’s most loyal users were in an uproar after news surfaced of possible changes that would lengthen the character limit on Twitter and …

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