Tag: News

HAMP to Be Replaced with ‘Flex Modification’

HAMP to Be Replaced with ‘Flex Modification’

HAMP to Be Replaced with ‘Flex Modification’   Mortgage financing giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae announced a new foreclosure prevention program that will roll out next year to replace the Home Affordable Mortgage Program (HAMP), which expires at the end of this month. The new program will be called “Flex Modification.” It reportedly will …

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Easy Ways to Enhance the Home’s Entryway

Easy Ways to Enhance the Home’s Entryway

Easy Ways to Enhance the Home’s Entryway       The entrance to the home is where buyers often form some of their first impressions of the interior of the home. However, too often, “the entryway gets neglected because it isn’t necessary in the same way that a living room sofa is,” Larina Kase, an …

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Lessons the Chicago Cubs Can Teach Investors

Lessons the Chicago Cubs Can Teach Investors

Lessons the Chicago Cubs Can Teach Investors   The Chicago Cubs’ 108-year journey to its World Series championship this year provides some lessons about strategic investment strategies that can be applied to the real estate industry, says David Scherer, cofounder of Chicago-based private equity firm Origin Investments. Theo Epstein, president of baseball operations for the …

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Younger Buyers Move Closer to Middle America

Younger Buyers Move Closer to Middle America

Younger Buyers Move Closer to Middle America   Millennials in search of affordable housing are moving inland to find it, with Minneapolis drawing the nation’s highest home buying activity for this age group in the fall, according to Ellie Mae’s latest Millennial Tracker. Other cities in the top five for millennial home buyers are Philadelphia, …

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Facebook Says It Got More Ad Metrics Wrong

Facebook Says It Got More Ad Metrics Wrong

Facebook Says It Got More Ad Metrics Wrong     Facebook’s metrics woes are getting worse. This fall, the social media giant revealed that it had overstated the average video advertisement view time for several years. Now, the company says it has miscalculated several other metrics too that also focus on how marketers’ ads are …

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Broomall Fire Company Santa Claus Tour 2016

Broomall Fire Company Santa Claus Tour 2016

Broomall Fire Company Santa Claus Tour 2016     Dates, Times & Locations for Broomall Fire Company Santa Claus Tour 2016 Wednesday, December 14th, starting at 5:15 PM. All streets in the borders of Media Line Rd, West Chester Pike, Springfield Rd.,Sproul Rd & Paxon Hollow Rd. & Rt.#252 Thursday, December 15th, starting at 5:15 …

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Holiday Décor Tips and Tricks for Sellers

Holiday Décor Tips and Tricks for Sellers

Holiday Décor Tips and Tricks for Sellers   Some home sellers use the holidays to showcase the warmth and character of their home to potential buyers. But they need to be careful not to cover up their home’s finest attributes with their festivity. A recent article at Houzz provides some of the following tips for …

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Follow-Up Info Homeowners Want From You

Follow-Up Info Homeowners Want From You

Follow-Up Info Homeowners Want From You     Are you trying hard enough to keep in touch with past clients? You may want to reassess your efforts, as nearly half of homeowners say they don’t have a “go-to” real estate agent, according to the 2016 Homeowners Survey conducted by Happy Grasshopper, an email marketing software …

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The Suburbs Are Having a Moment

The Suburbs Are Having a Moment

The Suburbs Are Having a Moment   America largely remains a suburban nation. Younger generations threatened to change that, with many expressing a greater desire to live in urban locations, but their numbers lately are showing a shift to the suburbs. The suburbs are outstripping down towns in overall population growth, diversity, and younger residents, …

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Should Buyers Factor in Climate Change?

Should Buyers Factor in Climate Change?

Should Buyers Factor in Climate Change?     From floods to hurricanes, the weather could wreak havoc on a person’s home, and climate change may largely influence who is at risk, recent housing reports indicate. Given that homes are the most expensive asset to many people, “it’s foolish not to consider the long-term implications of …

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Stop Mispronouncing These Real Estate Words!

Stop Mispronouncing These Real Estate Words!

Stop Mispronouncing These Real Estate Words!   Several real estate words – particularly surrounding design and architecture – are frequently mispronounced or misused. Make sure you don’t look like an amateur by saying them incorrectly too. Linguists say when selling pricier homes, you may be even more likely to say a word incorrectly because of …

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Freddie Mac Gives Nod to 4 eMortgage Vendors

Freddie Mac Gives Nod to 4 eMortgage Vendors

Freddie Mac Gives Nod to 4 eMortgage Vendors     For home shoppers who prefer a more digital mortgage process, mortgage giant Freddie Mac has published a report with a list of companies that meet its requirements for eMortgages, including for creating, signing, and storing electronic promissory notes. Freddie Mac first began purchasing eMortgages from …

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