Still renting? Your monthly rent could fund your dreams

Still renting?  Your monthly rent could fund your dreams

The leap from renter to owner is closer than you think.  Many renters are discovering that they can qualify to buy a home of their own.  Now might be the time to turn that monthly rental check into your first home while interest rates are still low.  Imagine saying good bye to annual rent increases and your landlord.  Over time that rent adds up for your landlord – not you!  Check out the table on the image to see how much you’re spending on rent over the years.

Imagine putting this same money into owning your own home and enjoying all the advantages that go with it.

Still renting?  Your monthly rent could fund your dreams

Still renting? Your monthly rent could fund your dreams

Contact me today.  We can chart your financial goals and decide if now is the time to make the American dream of home ownership your reality.

Still Renting? The leap from renter to owner is closer than you think!! With the help of myself and John of Freedom Mortgage, we might be able to turn that monthly rental check into your first home. #RealEstate #Realtor #HomePurchase #BuyersMarket #FreedomFast #BuyNotRent