Keep in Touch: Up Your E-mail Subscribers

Keep in Touch: Up Your E-mail Subscribers


Keep in Touch: Up Your E-mail Subscribers

Keep in Touch: Up Your E-mail Subscribers

Marketers still rely on e-mail outreach to net new customers. After all, e-mail marketing can work 40 times better at getting customers than Facebook and Twitter. Many companies note that e-mail is their most effective channel for generating revenue too, according to Hubspot.

So how can you increase the likelihood that prospects will open your e-mails and won’t click you over to the spam folder? offers some of the following tips:

Offer up high-engaging content. This may first start with having a blog. Companies who blog regularly have 434 percent more indexed pages than companies who don’t blog, according to Search Engine Land. Blogging can help you boost your presence on search engines and in turn, may lead more clients to subscribe to your blog feeds, or your weekly or monthly real estate e-newsletter. Also to add to your subscriber lists, you might offer up a free guide or video series to help solve some of the biggest home buying or selling problems facing your clients currently.

Get others to share. E-mail subscribers are three times more likely to share your content via social media than visitors from other sources, according to QuickSprout. Urge others to share your content: Have a request in your e-mail message asking your clients to share it on social media. Add plugins like Click to Tweet, which allows your clients to click and share your content with ease.

Host a webinar. You can add value to your audience with a webinar and also position yourself as an expert in your field that they’ll want to keep in touch with. Provide a first-time home buyer webinar or invite a lender to host a webinar with you to talk about downpayment programs and funding a home purchase. You can also then post your webinar to YouTube or Vimeo to extend its reach.

Source: “6 Smart E-mail Tactics to Boost Your Subscriber List,” (Nov. 7, 2016)