Anyone who has ever had a bank account, mortgage, credit card, car loan, or account with a retail store will invariably have a credit rating. Most information in your credit rating comes from companies you have credit with, as well as from certain public records such as tax liens, bankruptcies, judgments and lawsuits. It is …
Category: Real Estate Tips
Nov 18
HARP Mortgage Refinance Program
What is the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP)? Announced in March 2009, HARP is a federal government program designed to help 5 million underwater or near-underwater homeowners refinance into a fixed loan with a lower monthly payment. However, as of Aug. 31, only 894,000 borrowers have refinanced through HARP. On Oct. 24, 2011, President Obama …
Nov 17
Housing Must Be a National Priority
(SOURCE: National Association of Realtors) – The struggling housing market needs to be a priority on the nation’s public policy agenda, because housing and homeownership issues affect all Americans. That was the message from speakers at the Legislative and Political Forum yesterday at the 2011 Realtors(R) Conference & Expo. Realtors(R) at the National Association of …
Nov 17
Thanksgiving meal costs 13 percent more in 2011
The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) announced that the total cost of a Thanksgiving dinner for 10 will increase by $5.73 to $49.20 — about 13 percent higher than last year. The AFBF reports that the increase is the largest it has seen in 26 years of this informal price survey. The biggest bump in …
Nov 16
BUYERS: Benefits Of Owning Your Own Home!
There are many financial and personal reasons why you should own your own home rather than rent. The obvious reasons include pride of ownership, building your own equity instead of someone else’s, no more landlords, and of course the tax benefits you reap. There are a multitude of other reasons why owning your own home …
Nov 15
Selling a Home in the winter to maximize your success
With the end of the year fast approaching, it’s time to ask the question of whether it’s worthwhile trying to sell your home now. Could this be a waste of time? Will the house stay on the market and become shopworn? Should I remove my real estate from the market for the holidays? Will the …
Nov 14
Real Life Story from a real estate investor
So a few months ago, I came across a killer deal on a duplex. This was an REO located in a great area, right across from a BBQ joint whose beef brisket was so mouth-watering-good that people drove 20-30 miles from around just to have lunch! And the property was listed dirt cheap so I …
Nov 11
A million and 3 ways to raise money for real estate
It’s simple: The money is out there. There’s about a million and 3 ways to raise money for real estate. Starting with people that know and trust you may not be a bad idea. Even if they don’t have cash, maybe they have a ton of equity in their homes and can tap an equity …
Nov 11
BUYERS: How To Have A Smooth Home Purchase!
BUYERS: How To Have A Smooth Home Purchase! Buying a new home can be an exciting time: Whether it’s your first home or your fifth. However, your savings, your credit rating, and your financial freedom are all on the line when purchasing a new home. You want to feel comfortable when it is time …
Nov 09
Finding real estate deals (especially these days) is easy
But what do you need to be able to do once you find a real estate deal that seems like it has potential? ==> There are 2 things that you must be able to do – these are crucial – once a deal comes along your way: 1) Analyze it the right way to figure …
Nov 09
BUYERS: How To Buy A Home With Zero Down!
BUYERS: How To Buy A Home With Zero Down! If you are looking to buy a home but think you either don’t have the money saved up to afford a down payment or you don’t want to liquidate all your current assets, there is a way around this dilemma. This report will inform you of …
Nov 07
Mistake #1 — Pricing Your Property Too High Every seller obviously wants to get the most money for his or her product. Ironically, the best way to do this is NOT to list your product at an excessively high price! A high listing price will cause some prospective buyers to lose interest before even seeing …