Category: News

Know Your State’s Laws Around New Residents With Pets

Your clients who are relocating across state lines may be surprised at the requirements for pets that are coming with them. Consult this state-by-state breakdown. Many home buyers keep their pets top of mind when shopping for a property, with 43% of pet owners saying they’re willing to move to accommodate their furry friend, according …

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Know Your Duties as Data Privacy Enforcement Ramps Up

Consumers are demanding increased transparency about how their personal information is being used. Follow these best practices when handling sensitive client data. As more aspects of a transaction head online, real estate professionals are collecting more client information digitally, from Social Security numbers to bank account information and copies of driver’s licenses. How you collect …

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Using AI in Your Real Estate Business? 3 Traps to Avoid

Artificial intelligence is shaking up how agents and brokers do business. But there are some legal pitfalls to watch out for. Artificial intelligence is enabling real estate professionals to streamline some of their work by generating instant responses to customers or even predicting the next client. But using the technology in your business comes with …

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Law Supersedes Seller Confidentiality Requirement in Code

Latent material defects must be disclosed, despite an owner’s demand. Q: A few months ago, I had a transaction fall through because the home inspection revealed a cracked heat exchanger. The seller not only refused to fix it but also told me to not disclose it to any buyers or cooperating brokers. I told the …

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How to Protect Your Clients in a Crypto Transaction

Digital forms of currency can pose significant risks to both buyers and sellers. Know the safeguards to put in place in case cryptocurrency is ever used in one of your transactions. While it’s still rare that buyers use a form of digital currency to purchase real estate, it’s happening in some areas of the country …

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NAR Triumphs in REX Antitrust Lawsuit

Claims that NAR influenced how Zillow displayed listings in its website redesign were dismissed in federal court Wednesday. A federal judge in the Western District of Washington on Wednesday dismissed claims against The National Association of REALTORS® stemming from an antitrust lawsuit filed by REX (Real Estate Exchange Inc.). A culmination of a two-year battle, …

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Relieve Confusion for Clients Who Don’t Speak English

You can comply with and promote fair housing laws by taking steps to avoid misinterpretations during a transaction. Proper protocols in your business can ensure nothing gets lost in translation when you’re working with clients who don’t speak English. The real estate transaction is already complex and full of opportunities for misunderstandings, but there may …

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Looking at a loan option with 100% financing

Looking at a loan option with 100% financing? Talk to your agent today to see if a property you love meets the criteria. Ask Century 21 All-Elite and lender Ken Jordan, NMLS 183317 of Princeton Mortgage who have your best interests at heart! #USDA – USDA flyer

How much can a 2-1 buydown save you?

How much can a 2-1 buydown save you? These examples will help build a picture of how it works. Talk to your agent today on how to structure your offer. Ask Century 21 All-Elite and lender Ken Jordan, NMLS 183317 of Princeton Mortgage who have your best interests at heart! #2-1buydown – 2-1 buydown example

The DSCR loan may be an option to easily qualify

Thinking of investing in other properties? The DSCR loan may be an option to easily qualify without all the paperwork hassle. Reach out to Century 21 All-Elite and lender Ken Jordan, NMLS 183317 of Princeton Mortgage to see if you fit that window! #DSCRloan – DSCR loan example

2-1 buydown

How much can a 2-1 buydown save you? These examples will help build a picture of how it works. Talk to your agent today on how to structure your offer. Ask Century 21 All-Elite and lender Ken Jordan, NMLS 183317 of Princeton Mortgage who have your best interests at heart! #2-1buydown – 2-1 buydown example …

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Ways to Shine on Instagram

Don’t just post listing photos on Instagram. Think outside the box to elevate your brand. Don’t just post listing photos on Instagram. Think outside the box to elevate your brand, says Danielle Garofalo, brand strategist and founder of Use categories. In your bio, emphasize three or four interests, including those beyond real estate— for …

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