Category: News

Pending real estate sales index rises 9.2%

Pending sales of U.S. existing homes jumped 10.4 percent in October, according to an index released today by the National Association of Realtors. The monthly increase in NAR’s Pending Home Sales Index is the largest since an October-to-November jump last year, and continues a recent trend in the index’s gradual rise for the year. October’s …

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Research Is important for Home Buying

If you are in the market to buy a home in the next few months, make sure you do preliminary research to determine exactly what your needs and wants are.  Use the internet, tour the community and speak to neighbors within the prospective neighborhood.  Need help figuring it all out? Call me, I can help. …

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Things school doesn’t teach you about money

Robert Kiyosaki is perhaps still best known as the author of the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” series of books, which almost 15 years ago began indoctrinating the world on his then-unconventional wealth-building strategies. The books emphasize the use of leverage (debt) to build real estate investment portfolios and businesses, and largely eschew stock market investments, …

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BUYERS: The Seven Steps After The Contract Is Signed!

You’ve signed the contract and are looking forward to moving into your new home, but there are a few steps that cannot be overlooked. By following these easy steps, you will ensure yourself a smooth move into your new home. 1. First, get the home inspected. Arrange a time to return to the property for …

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Should You Consider Listing Your Home During the Holidays?

As the holidays approach, I’m always asked the same questions: Should we keep our property on the real estate market or take it off? Do we list now, wait until after the first of the year, or hold off until spring? In the past, conventional wisdom said you shouldn’t try to sell a home during the holidays. …

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9 ways to keep lid on energy bills

Air leaks can infiltrate surprising places No one likes wasting money, especially in these tough economic times. So it certainly makes sense — dollars and cents — to make a small investment of time and supplies to close up those heat-wasting air leaks around your home. It’ll pay back big dividends in reduced energy bills …

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31 Pennsylvania Nonprofits Reap More Than $160,000 in Education Grants From Verizon

Landline Customers’ Donations Through Verizon’s ‘Check Into Literacy’ Program Support Education Across the Keystone State PR Newswire PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 9, 2011 PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 9, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Thanks to the generosity of Verizon Pennsylvania landline customers who participated in the company’s Check Into Literacy program, 31 nonprofit organizations across Pennsylvania will share more than $160,000 …

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Predictions from NAR for 2012

Monday, November 14, 2011— This week the Miami Association of Realtors, in coordination with the National Association of Realtors (NAR), hosted the annual International Real Estate Congress in Miami, which was attended by hundreds of real estate professionals from far away as Russia, Brazil, Mexico, France, Spain and China. Over the course of this 2-day …

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HARP Mortgage Refinance Program

What is the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP)? Announced in March 2009, HARP is a federal government program designed to help 5 million underwater or near-underwater homeowners refinance into a fixed loan with a lower monthly payment. However, as of Aug. 31, only 894,000 borrowers have refinanced through HARP. On Oct. 24, 2011, President Obama …

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Penncrest Football Closing Strong

Penncrest football had a very slow start to their season but once the team got what their first-year coach was teaching, the Lions began to roll. The improvement came in small increments, in little areas, and was very, very gradual. But once Penncrest got down what first-year coach Rick Stroup was teaching, the Lions began …

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Vice President Joe Biden came to Media

Scenes from around Delco…Vice President Joe Biden came to Media, everybody’s hometown to the delight of fans. The parade was a huge success honoring veterans. On the roof of the courthouse security kept everyone safe. The bands played on. Football is still being played on the fields as playoffs continue. MEDIA, Pa. (CBS) — The …

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Borough Council Legislative Meeting Votes, November 17th, 2011: No tax hike, 3rd Street Dam Status

Borough Council met on Thursday, November 17th, 2011 at 7:30 PM. Jim Cunningham was absent from the meeting. All votes during the meeting were unanimously in the affirmative for all legislative actions. 3rd Street Dam Status Pete Alyanakian gave an update regarding the 3rd Street Dam committee. He indicated that the committee met on November …

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