Category: News

Foreclosures spike in May

Foreclosures spike 9% in May. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Foreclosure filings in May spiked 9% compared with a month earlier, according to an industry group. RealtyTrac reported that 205,990 U.S. properties received filings last month, including default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions, marking the first monthly increase since January. Bank repossessions climbed steeply, up …

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Anthony DiDonato Real Estate On Facebook. “Like Us”

Anthony DiDonato Real Estate On Facebook. "Like Us"

Anthony DiDonato Real Estate On Facebook.  “Like Us” Go to my Facebook and “like me” For news Updates and fresh daily listings in the real estate markets of Broomall, Media, Springfield and Philadelphia Pennsylvania, as well as Delaware and Southern new Jersey. Anthony DiDonato FaceBook Real Estate Page. Facebook is all the rage! Anthony DiDonato …

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Follow Anthony DiDonato Real Estate on Pinterest!

Anthony DiDonato is “pin-sane” for Pinterest! To get the latest in real estate news and listings from this  entrepreneur on Pinterest, follow me! Pinterest is all the rage, and I’ve caught pinning fever! Come over and start pinning with Anthony DiDonato – Follow Anthony DiDonato’s Pinterests by clicking this link: to get started!

Foreclosures made up 26% of U.S. home sales in first quarter

Foreclosures made up 26% of U.S. home sales in first quarter

Foreclosures made up 26% of U.S. home sales in first quarter. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Homes in some stage of foreclosure accounted for more than one in four home sales during the first three months of the year, according to a report released Thursday. Distressed properties that were either in default, scheduled for auction or …

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4 ways to save on landscaping

4 ways to save on landscaping

4 ways to save on landscaping. (Money magazine) — There’s no better place to build sweat equity than landscaping. A high-end landscaping contractor will charge at least $5,000 to remodel a typical compact suburban front yard. Yet if you can handle a shovel, hose, and wheelbarrow, you have the physical skills to replace overgrown or mundane …

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Be prepared for any home emergency

Be prepared for any home emergency. Sometimes disaster strikes, despite your best efforts to prevent it. And that means you should always be ready for the unexpected. The right emergency gear will help you protect your home and family, as well as deal with unpleasant realities like a post-storm power outage or broken windows. Here …

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Living off the grid in a mail-order home “House Arc”

Living off the grid in a mail-order home

Living off the grid in a mail-order home. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — House Arc may look like an egg-shaped antidote to McMansion mania, but this small mail-order home was really designed as a way to quickly provide housing to victims of disaster. “We wanted to see how we could produce a house that would fit …

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Home prices lowest since 2002

Home prices lowest since 2002. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Home prices hit new post-bubble lows in March, according to a report out Tuesday. Average home prices were down 2.6% from 12 months earlier, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller home price index of 20 major markets. Home prices have not been this low since mid-2002. “While there …

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Real Estate Outlook: Pending Home Sales Decline

After three straight months of gains, the latest Pending real estate Sales Index (PSHI) from the National Association of Realtors showed a decline of 5.5 percent for the month of April. This declining figure is not the bright spot many analysts were hoping for, but it does leave pending home sales 14.4 percent above April 2011. …

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2011-12 Cost vs. Value: Big-Bang Remodeling Projects

2011-12 Cost vs. Value: Big-Bang Remodeling Projects. Find out which remodeling projects will provide the biggest bang for your buck this year, according to Remodeling magazine. Optimizing the use of space in a home will not only attract buyers but also give sellers more bang for their buck, according to Remodeling’s “2011–12 Cost vs. Value …

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Passive vs. active real estate investment

Passive vs. active real estate investment. GOOD PIECE BELOW on real estate investment: Q: I have been listening to your show through iTunes and have learned a lot over the past few weeks. Thank you for the information you share. After listening to the show outlining the opportunity for real estate investment, I was wondering …

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Home buyers Survey Contains Valuable Information For Agents and Sellers

Home buyers Survey Contains Valuable Information For Agents and Seller. One of the most useful research projects of the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) is the annual survey of home buyers and sellers. The 2011 version (Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers 2011) became available in May of this year. The information is based on …

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