Category: News

Home Flips Are Decreasing

Home Flips Are Decreasing Fewer homes were flipped by investors in the second quarter compared with the same quarter one year ago as profits grew smaller, according to ATTOM Data Solutions’ 2019 U.S. Home Flipping Report. Homes flipped in the second quarter were down 5.2% from a year ago. Overall, home flips in the second quarter comprised …

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Debt Anxiety

Debt Anxiety Americans are getting anxious about their debt. About one-third—34%—of Americans’ monthly income goes toward paying off debt. It’s no wonder 45% of Americans say debt makes them feel anxious on at least a monthly basis, according to the latest findings from the Northwestern Mutual’s 2019 Planning & Progress Study, based on a survey …

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Buy now or wait for a deal?

Buy now or wait for a deal? Are you a millennial watching your friends and family thrive on the current real estate market? Today’s rates are historically low so why wait to buy your dream starter home? Contact John Coneys of Freedom Mortgage, (NMLS# 183853 – 610.322.4886) and I to discuss your financial options! #RealEstate …

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Flood Insurance Extension

Flood Insurance Extension Congress is expected to extend the National Flood Insurance Program before it expires Sept. 30, but less clear is when Congress will turn to meaningful program reforms the National Association of REALTORS® and other housing groups have advocated for years. Outdated federal flood maps—some of which haven’t been updated in more than …

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Master Bedroom – Don’ts

Master Bedroom – Don’ts A master bedroom is meant to be a peaceful place to relax and recharge. That’s why designers say a lot of attention needs to go into its look: to make sure it fulfills that purpose. Design experts also say an uninviting master retreat could negatively affect resale value, so there’s more …

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Removal of DTI Requirement

Removal of DTI Requirement Four bank giants have united to form a coalition to urge the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to change its Ability to Repay/Qualified Mortgage rule and eliminate the debt-to-income ratio requirement. Bank of America, Quicken Loans, Wells Fargo, and Caliber Home Loans are leading the calls for a change. The Ability to …

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Now may be your best time to buy or refinance

Now may be your best time to buy or refinance Mortgage interest rates have dropped, but there’s no guarantee they will stay that way. If you’re thinking of buying a home, now may be the perfect time to act!  If you already own your home and you’ve been putting off repairs, a remodel, paying off …

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Homeownership Makes People Happier

Homeownership Makes People Happier Most Americans have no regrets about buying a home. In fact, it’s made them happier, a new survey shows. Ninety-three percent of Americans say they are happier after buying a home, and 83% would never go back to renting, according to Bank of America’s latest Homebuyer Insights Report, based on a …

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Newest Fannie, Freddie Reform Proposal

Newest Fannie, Freddie Reform Proposal The National Association of REALTORS® and other real estate groups commended the White House’s efforts to move the ball forward on reform of the nation’s housing finance system. Proposals released by the Department of Housing & Urban Development and the Treasury Department on Thursday suggest steps for modernizing FHA and …

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Fall Landscaping Trends

Fall Landscaping Trends A newer color palette with jewel tones is taking hold in landscaping, and it’s among the hotter trends for this fall, according to the National Association of Landscape Professionals. Seventy-seven percent of Americans report relaxing in their yards at least once a month, according to a survey from Engine’s Caravan, conducted on …

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What is Debt to Income Ratio

What is Debt to Income Ratio Calculating your debt to income ratio is one of the simplest ways to get a handle on your current financial health.   DTI is the percentage of your monthly income that goes towards debt payments.  Lenders look at your DTI when they are considering your ability to pay back …

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Lighting Mistakes to Avoid

Lighting Mistakes to Avoid Good lighting can enhance the look of a space. contributor David Warfel, a lighting design specialist, recently shared the common mistakes he sees with interior home lighting in an article on the home remodeling website. Problems he sees the most often include: Too many lights shining downwards in the kitchen Warfel …

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